Exercises for Adenomyosis & Pelvic Pain

Exercises for Adenomyosis and Pelvic Pain

By Sara Lopez, M. Ed.

Yoga resets the endocrine system and balances hormones, and it can help break up adhesions and blockages in your uterus.

Here are two of my favorite yoga poses for hormonal balance and pelvic pain:

Legs up the Wall Pose– “Waterfall”

This is a restorative yoga pose that deeply calms the nervous system, heart rate, and mind. It is about receiving. The pose can be done if you have your period. It is a gentle inversion that regulates blood flow, eases menstrual cramps, improves digestion, and my favorite – relieves tired feet and legs!

Here’s how to do it:

Find a space at a blank wall. Place a bolster or thick, firm cushion a couple of inches from the wall. Sit on the cushion and walk your legs up to the wall until your hips are level and your back is on the ground. Put one hand on your belly and one hand on your heart or your arms can spread open, creating space in the heart. Let your breath be soft and deep, and allow your mind to be quiet.

Squat Pose

Squats will strengthen and tone your pelvic floor if done correctly. It’s not important how low to the ground you get. You want your knees stacked over your toes, and your shins vertical. You do not want to tuck your pelvis, so keep your spine straight. It can help at first to rest your butt on the wall until you build more strength.

When you stand up, use your butt muscles, not your quads. At first, it can feel hard to know if you are doing it right. Feel free to reach out if you are not sure!

Pelvic physiotherapist Heba Shaheed has some great online videos with exercises specifically for pelvic pain and endometriosis: https://thepelvicexpert.com/

Rebounding: Gentle Exercise with a Ton of Benefits


✔️ Boosts lymphatic system drainage 

✔️ Circulates oxygen to increase energy

✔️ Increases lymphocyte activity to activate immune system

When we have a chronic illness, sometimes high impact exercise like jogging 🏃‍♀️ is not possible. With rebounding on a trampoline, your feet do not have to leave the rebounder for the benefit. You can just bend your knees slightly and bounce lightly keeping your toes on the rebounder surface. 

Rebounding for just a minute revives my energy especially when I can’t get out of the house 🏡 to exercise.

A research study by NASA scientists found that rebounding on a trampoline is 68 percent more effective than jogging and yet requires less effort.

Even my dad can do it and he’s 80. It does not affect your joints! ❤️ https://cellercise.com/ and https://needak.com are two inexpensive and high quality brands.

Have you tried it?

Rewrite Your Self Talk Exercise:

Create an affirmation and commit to using it for three days. Some examples and inspiration for you from the book You are a Badass by Jen Sincero:

“I am powerful, I am loved, I am surrounded by miracles.”

“I receive all the good that life has to offer me.”

Here’s my favorite: “I love how tall I am and I love the size of my ass.”

These have worked well for women I work with:

“My health is changing.”

“My body is healing.”

Recipe Video

When you have cramps, belly swelling/bloating, nausea, or digestive issues, eating an Ayurvedic food called kichari gives your digestive system a needed rest. The video below shows you how to make this delicious, vegan easy to make rice and bean dish.

Your Journey Toward Healing:

A holistic approach to adenomyosis does work.  Believing you can heal is the first step to changing your health.  I know you can do it!  Through staying consistent and persevering with your plan, a shift will happen. 

 Pivoting your plan when symptoms change (or don’t improve) is necessary in order to feel better.  Targeting your specific pain type or symptoms with healing foods, supplements, and exercises is key to achieving that shift.

Medical Disclaimer

Information in this course is for informational purposes only. The information provided is to educate and inspire women to improve their own health. Information provided should not be interpreted as medical advice, consultation, or treatment.

Copyright © 2020 by Sara Erica Lopez. LLC

All rights reserved. 

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